When developing in Python I enjoy using Sublime Text, especially its ability to run/build right from Sublime by simply pressing COMMAND+B. Meaning that I dont have to go out of the editor to the terminal to run the Python program.

Sample Python Program:

#!/usr/bin/env python

print "Hello World"

In sublime, I can program, run the program and see the result, increasing my productivity:


But what if I want to run a Python Virtual Environment and its benefits (see developing-in-python-using-python-virtual-environments).
Once the virtual environment is activated your terminal will use the Python Virtual Environment just fine, but Sublime Text will not, it will continue to use the system-wide Python environment by default.

Example: Having a Python module (e.g. IPy) installed in your virtual environment, but not system-wide, and having the Python virtual environment active:

# Python code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import IPy

print "Hello World"

# Running from terminal – (OK):

$ python hello.py
Hello World

# Running from Sublime – (NOT OK):


To make Sublime Text use the virtual environment you need to create a Sublime project and edit its properties to use the Virtual Env.

# Create Sublime Project
Go to Project -> Save Project As…
// I named mine blog.sublime-project

# Edit project properties by editing the file in sublime to be as follows:
Remember the name: label as this is how you will use the build with… option
The shell_cmd: label is the command that will run when you build. It is far from perfect as you have to hardcode the Python program in the configuration, but at least works.

			"path": "."
	"virtualenv": "env",
	"build_systems": [
	  "name": "PYTHON_VENV",
	  "shell_cmd": "env/bin/python hello.py"

# Prepare Sublime to use your new build system:
Tools -> Build Systems -> PYTHON_VENV

# Now you can now continue to code and use COMMAND+B to build/run your programs without leaving your Sublime Text editor:
