In this guide I go over how to use Vagrant with AWS and in the process have an automated way to install Puppet Enterprise.
I am separating data and code by having a generic Vagrantfile with the code and have a servers.yaml file with all the data that will change from user to user.
For installing the Puppet Enterprise server I am including the automated provisioning script I am using with Vagrant and using AWS Tags to set the hostname of the launched server.
- Vagrant
- vagrant-aws plug-in:
$ vagrant plugin install vagrant-aws
While you can add your AWS credentials to the Vagrantfile, it is not recommended. A better way is to have the AWS CLI tools installed and configured
$ aws configure AWS Access Key ID [****************XYYY]: XXXXXXXXYYY AWS Secret Access Key [****************ZOOO]:ZZZZZZZOOO Default region name [us-east-1]:us-east-1 Default output format [None]: json
TL;DR To get started right away you can download the project from github vagrant-aws-puppetserver, otherwise follow the guide below.
Create Vagrantfile
The below Vagrantfile utilizes a yaml file (servers.yaml) to provide the data, it allows you to control data using the yaml file and not have to modify the Vagrantfile code – separating code and data.
// Vagrantfile
# -*- mode: ruby -*- # vi: set ft=ruby : # Specify minimum Vagrant version and Vagrant API version Vagrant.require_version ">= 1.6.0" VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION = "2" # Require YAML module require 'yaml' # Read YAML file with box details servers = YAML.load_file('servers.yaml') Vagrant.configure(VAGRANTFILE_API_VERSION) do |config| # Iterate through entries in YAML file servers.each do |server| config.vm.define server['name'] do |srv| = server['box'] srv.vm.box_url = server['box_url'] srv.vm.provider :aws do |aws, override| ### Dont do these here, better to use awscli with a profile #aws.access_key_id = "YOUR KEY" #aws.secret_access_key = "YOUR SECRET KEY" #aws.session_token = "SESSION TOKEN" aws.region = server["aws_region"] if server["aws_region"] aws.keypair_name = server["aws_keypair_name"] if server["aws_keypair_name"] aws.subnet_id = server["aws_subnet_id"] if server["aws_subnet_id"] aws.associate_public_ip = server["aws_associate_public_ip"] if server["aws_associate_public_ip"] aws.security_groups = server["aws_security_groups"] if server["aws_security_groups"] aws.iam_instance_profile_name = server['aws_iam_role'] if server['aws_iam_role'] aws.ami = server["aws_ami"] if server["aws_ami"] aws.instance_type = server["aws_instance_type"] if server["aws_instance_type"] aws.tags = server["aws_tags"] if server["aws_tags"] aws.user_data = server["aws_user_data"] if server["aws_user_data"] override.ssh.username = server["aws_ssh_username"] if server["aws_ssh_username"] override.ssh.private_key_path = server["aws_ssh_private_key_path"] if server["aws_ssh_private_key_path"] config.vm.synced_folder ".", "/vagrant", type: "rsync" config.vm.provision :shell, path: server["provision"] if server["provision"] end end end end
Create servers.yaml
This file contains the information that will be used by the Vagrantfile, this includes
AWS region: Which region will this EC2 server run
AWS keypair: Key used to connect to your launched EC2 instance
AWS subnet id: Where will this EC2 instance sit in the AWS network
AWS associate public ip: Do you need a public IP? true or false
AWS security group: What AWS security group should be associated, should allow Puppetserver needed ports and whatever else you need (ssh, etc)
AWS ami: Which AMI will you be using I am using a CentOS7
AWS instance type: Puppetserver needs enough CPU/RAM, during my testing m3.xlarge was appropriate
AWS SSH username: The EC2 instance user (depends on which AMI you choose), the CentOS AMI expects ec2-user
AWS SSH private key path: The local path to the SSH key pair
AWS User Data: I am adding user data which will execute a bash script that allows Vagrant to interact with the launched EC2 instance
AWS Tags: This is not required for Vagrant and AWS/EC2, but in my provision script I am using the AWS Name Tag to be the system’s hostname, the other 2 tags are there for demonstration purposes
provision: This is a provisioning script that will be run on the EC2 instance – this is the script that install the Puppet Enterprise server
AWS IAM Role: You don’t need to add a role when working with Vagrant and AWS/EC2, but I am using a specific IAM role to allow the launched EC2 instance to be able to get information about its AWS Tags, so it is important that you provide it with a Role that allows DescribeTags, see below IAM policy:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "XXXXXXX", "Action": [ "ec2:DescribeTags" ], "Effect": "Allow", "Resource": "*" } ] }
Now use your data in the servers.yaml file
// servers.yaml
--- - name: puppet4 box: dummy box_url: aws_region: "us-east-1" aws_keypair_name: "john-key" aws_subnet_id: "subnet-0001" aws_associate_public_ip: false aws_security_groups: ['sg-0001'] aws_ami: "ami-0001" aws_instance_type: m3.xlarge aws_ssh_username: "ec2-user" aws_iam_role: "iam-able-to-describe-tags" aws_ssh_private_key_path: "/Users/john/.ssh/john-key.pem" aws_user_data: "#!/bin/bash\nsed -i -e 's/^Defaults.*requiretty/# Defaults requiretty/g' /etc/sudoers" aws_tags: Name: 'puppet4' tier: 'stage' application: 'puppetserver' update: false provision:
At this point you can spin up EC2 instances using the above Vagrantfile and servers.yaml file. If you add provision: to the servers.yaml file as I did and add the below script you will have a Puppet Enterprise server ready to go.
#!/bin/bash -xe # Ensure pip is installed if ! which pip; then curl "" -o "" python fi # Upgrade pip /bin/pip install --upgrade pip # Upgrade awscli tools (They are installed in the AMI) /bin/pip install --upgrade awscli # Get hostname from AWS Name Tag (requires the EC2 instance to have an IAM role that allows DescribeTags) AWS_INSTANCE_ID=$(curl -s AWS_REGION=$(curl -s | grep region | cut -d\" -f4) AWSHOSTNAME=$(aws ec2 describe-tags --region ${AWS_REGION} --filters "Name=resource-id,Values=${AWS_INSTANCE_ID}" --query "Tags[?Key=='Name'].Value[] | [0]" | cut -d\" -f2) # Set hostname (use the AWS Name Tag) hostnamectl set-hostname ${AWSHOSTNAME} # Update system and install wget, git yum update -y yum install wget git -y # Set as hostname in hosts file echo "$(curl -s puppet" >> /etc/hosts # Download puppet wget "" -O puppet.2016.4.0.tar.gz tar -xvzf puppet.2016.4.0.tar.gz cd puppet-enterprise* # Create pe.conf file touch pe.conf echo '{' >> pe.conf echo '"console_admin_password": "puppet"' >> pe.conf echo '"puppet_enterprise::puppet_master_host": "%{::trusted.certname}"' >> pe.conf echo '}' >> pe.conf echo "Install Puppetserver" ./puppet-enterprise-installer -c pe.conf echo "Adding * to autosign.conf" cat >> /etc/puppetlabs/puppet/autosign.conf <<'AUTOSIGN' * AUTOSIGN # Run puppet agent /usr/local/bin/puppet agent -t
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